I sadly agree with this phenomena but for a different reason. I hate Mondays because it reminds me of how unsuccessful I was at finishing homework, going grocery shopping and many other things that I now have to find time for this week. And I hate Mondays because my to do list becomes longer and longer and longer. (Currently, it's a two page word document. Awwwwesome.)
Now, I love to-do lists. There is nothing better than crossing off something on your list and the small feeling of accomplishment that comes from that. But there is nothing worse than added 10 new to-do list items and the feeling of HELPPPP, I'm drowning and I can't get up. It's real and I know how it feels. Yeah, I'm just a college student.....but I'm a college student. My mental to do list has things like visiting teaching, start my relief society lesson, attend that devotional or this fireside, do the dishes, work out, make a healthy meal and then do more dishes, get all my homework, studying, reading done, oh and while you're at it, try to be social, date and find a husband. Yeah, I'm drowning. Especially in my senior year, surrounded by people who have either recently returned from missions or my sister, who's a freshman, I just have so much to do. So many assignments that I feel like I'm drowning.

Lucky for me (and unlucky for my to do list), I have made the goal to make Sundays different. I'm choosing not to do homework on Sunday, which to many may seem absolutely crazy. And it is. If I used the hours before church and hours after church to catch up on homework and studying, I would be a less stressed. But I'm choosing to make Sunday a day a rest. So yesterday, while making breakfast, I popped in my earphones and listened to President Uchtdorf's talk "Of Things that Matter Most." If you haven't seen this Mormon Message, I encourage you to watch it. (It's one of the ones that make me cry, with happy tears.)
So, I'm listening to this talk and thinking, yeah it's a good talk but how does this apply to me? Today, as I woke up early to do homework and checked LearningSuite and realized just how much I have to accomplish today, I freaked out. My palms got sweaty and I started shaking and I promised to lock myself in the library. But, I think we all need to listen to President Uchtdorf's advice.

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