But all my life I've had this obsession to be remembered. I want to be one of those people who are talked about after they're dead. I don't need the fame and I don't need to be in history books. I don't need to do something outrageous but maybe something like when I'm gone, my children's children will say "It's like grandma always said...." and then go on to quote some awesome inspirational phrase that I coined through the years. However, that won't happen for years from now. And yet, I want to be remembered now.

Regardless, I just want to be remembered. I think that's why I try to be there for....literally everyone. It's always been that way and I enjoy it. I love it! I love being the girl that everyone goes to, to vent (read my post here about venting), to receive love, or to receive a kind word or two. So I guess if that's what I'm remembered for, I'm living a pretty good life.
But, for now, I'm Miss Megan Williams.
I could live at the beach and be happy for the rest of my life.
I'm a faithful member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and I am not afraid to share my beliefs.
I laugh till my sides hurt.
I take typical white girl pictures in the mirror and I'm the queen of snapchat.
I wear fake glasses when I write essays.
Chocolate is always the right choice.
When I'm happy, I want everyone to be happy. When I'm sad, I still want everyone to be happy and will joke through my tears.
I have a bad neck and back but I'll still race you to the car.
I'll be there for you even if we haven't talked in months.
My favorite song will say more about me than I ever will.
My little sisters are my world and if you mess with them, you'll mess with me. My parents are my role models and I owe them so much.
My Savior knows me personally and I couldn't get through life without Him.
And lastly, I love to smile...because the world is a more beautiful place when you have a smile on your face.