When I created this blog, I really wasn't anywhere close to getting married and I didn't want to...nor did I have any intention on going on a mission. It's funny how quickly Heavenly Father helps you change your life plans....
Let's start with some background. I'm twenty years old and I'm finishing my third year at BYU. I am one of the "few" surviving girls at BYU who didn't leave on a mission when President Monson lowered the missionary age. I'm one of those girls who watched five of her best friends from freshman year leave, all of her guy friends from freshman year leave (as they should) and had to make new friends and essentially start my college social career over. I grew a lot in that time....but it's been hard.
Alright, rewind...the day before the October General Conference 2012, I was in the temple, pondering life and got a strong impression that one day, I would raise sons to serve missions. I looked up and across the fount, there were three little boys, getting ready to be baptized. I started crying. I wrote down that impression and added that I probably wouldn't serve a mission but thought that this revelation meant that I'd be married soon. Keep in mind, I added that. I just got the impression I would raise boys to go on missions.

The next day was general conference and my world was turned upside down when President Monson lowered the missionary age. I had had that experience the day before, literally hours. I prayed and never got an answer to go so I stayed at BYU. I supported my girl friends who left and wrote missionaries every Sunday. I helped some of my guy friends get going and I watched missionary work change lives.
Fast forward to November 2013. I went home for Thanksgiving weekend and it was a testimony meeting. A girl in my ward had just received her mission call and her father bore his testimony about missions. On my way to the airport, my father asked me if I had thought anymore about a mission. I was upset that he asked me--God had given me revelation and I wasn't going to receive a different answer. I lamented to my roommates and to Ben, when Ben told me to pray about it. I was scared out of my mind so I didn't for a few weeks. When I finally began to pray, I was even more scared when I got a peaceful feeling. I wanted to be completely sure that this was right, so I continued to study and think about it.

Well, two weeks ago, I was sitting in the temple when I had the same impression about raising sons to go on missions. I looked up once more and noticed that there were six deacons, sitting and waiting to get baptized. However, I added the latest revelation together and realized that I am going on a mission to raise my sons to serve a mission as well as to serve the people and share the gospel. I can honestly say that I am scared out of my mind but still so excited. I will be finishing my papers this fall semester and hopefully leaving in January 2015.
I am so grateful that Heavenly Father in His wisdom did not completely answer my prayer back in October. I feel like I have grown a lot in that time as well as learned to meet new friends, talk to people, and live with strangers. I am so excited for the experiences that await me and cannot wait to spread this amazing gospel of joy and happiness.
Megan, you are so awesome! Love you!
ReplyDeleteMegan, I am so excited for you! I know you'll be an amazing missionary! I hope I will have the opportunity to serve a mission if the Lord decides it is right for me. I love you so much!!!