Sunday, June 30, 2013

Farewell to Spring...Hello to SUMMER.

My face after my hardest final
WOW, week one of my summer is already gone! I meant to post when I was in the airport, coming home but the whole getting my laptop out of my bag thing after security...yeah it didn't happen.

A fast recap, spring term is OVER. I just got my grades today and MAN, I was happy! 3.39 for this term which was GREAT for me! I finally got my GPA where it needs to be and will hopefully continue to improve. I think I finally figured out this college game, as my dad always says.
Spring term was great though. I had amazing roommates, who I hope will be lifelong friends. We all got along quite well and we had really fun times, for those two short months. That being said, I never want to take two 3 credit classes for spring again! Or even stay for spring! It was difficult, as spring was such a fun time! My ward was tiny but I liked it that way-I got to know more people and understood about really placing my roots where I need to be. I'm excited to go back for fall but first-week one of summer.

The second I got off the plane, I set out to help my mom was Girl's Camp. Okay, not really. We had a fun beach day first and then I helped. And I didn't mind. I was just a little bit sad that the first week I was home, my mom, Hayley and Amanda were leaving me. I knew I'd have Lauryn and I was a bit worried about that, as well as bringing her with me to work.
First beach day
Angry birds course
Well, work started and the first day, I loved being back with my little nanny kids, as I call them. The next day, I brought Lauryn and it turned out really great. I hope I showed Lauryn that I can be fun, haha. I went "all out" with a bike ride, playing handball (kids these days play with a LOT more rules!) and four-square, mac-n-cheese for lunch, and an afternoon of "angry birds," thanks to Pinterest.

That afternoon, though, I went home and was exhausted. All I wanted to do was sit around and vege...but I couldn't! I had to take care of Lauryn, which wasn't that difficult-made dinner and played the Wii. But the rest of the week (after a Monster's University day, beach trip, and pool trip), I came home from "work" so exhausted but still had to help out showering Lauryn, getting her ready for bed, etc. Every night, I was ready to go to bed by 8:30.
Our angry birds!
When you realize that I'm a nanny, I basically was a mom for the past week. And if you know me, I've always wanted to be a mom. I wish there was a "mom degree" at BYU because that's all I want to do-start a family, have kids and stay at home, loving every minute. Sounds PERFECT to me. This week I was hit with the reality I already knew-being a mom is TOUGH. As my mom pointed out...most moms don't come into motherhood with 3 kids age 7, 8, and 10. True story. But it was still hard! Keeping kids occupied without technology, stopping little fights, feeding time, packing up for a day at the beach by myself...I can see why my mom is always so tired!

Beach trip!
Sleepover with Little L!
All that being said....ahh, I cannot wait to be a mom! How typical of me, right? A job working 9-5 does not appeal to me for the rest of my life- I cannot wait to raise children in the gospel of Christ.

Anyway, summer is here and I am loving every minute. And it's gonna go by FAST! Better let the good times roll! Megan, OUT!

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