Sunday, June 30, 2013

Farewell to Spring...Hello to SUMMER.

My face after my hardest final
WOW, week one of my summer is already gone! I meant to post when I was in the airport, coming home but the whole getting my laptop out of my bag thing after security...yeah it didn't happen.

A fast recap, spring term is OVER. I just got my grades today and MAN, I was happy! 3.39 for this term which was GREAT for me! I finally got my GPA where it needs to be and will hopefully continue to improve. I think I finally figured out this college game, as my dad always says.
Spring term was great though. I had amazing roommates, who I hope will be lifelong friends. We all got along quite well and we had really fun times, for those two short months. That being said, I never want to take two 3 credit classes for spring again! Or even stay for spring! It was difficult, as spring was such a fun time! My ward was tiny but I liked it that way-I got to know more people and understood about really placing my roots where I need to be. I'm excited to go back for fall but first-week one of summer.

The second I got off the plane, I set out to help my mom was Girl's Camp. Okay, not really. We had a fun beach day first and then I helped. And I didn't mind. I was just a little bit sad that the first week I was home, my mom, Hayley and Amanda were leaving me. I knew I'd have Lauryn and I was a bit worried about that, as well as bringing her with me to work.
First beach day
Angry birds course
Well, work started and the first day, I loved being back with my little nanny kids, as I call them. The next day, I brought Lauryn and it turned out really great. I hope I showed Lauryn that I can be fun, haha. I went "all out" with a bike ride, playing handball (kids these days play with a LOT more rules!) and four-square, mac-n-cheese for lunch, and an afternoon of "angry birds," thanks to Pinterest.

That afternoon, though, I went home and was exhausted. All I wanted to do was sit around and vege...but I couldn't! I had to take care of Lauryn, which wasn't that difficult-made dinner and played the Wii. But the rest of the week (after a Monster's University day, beach trip, and pool trip), I came home from "work" so exhausted but still had to help out showering Lauryn, getting her ready for bed, etc. Every night, I was ready to go to bed by 8:30.
Our angry birds!
When you realize that I'm a nanny, I basically was a mom for the past week. And if you know me, I've always wanted to be a mom. I wish there was a "mom degree" at BYU because that's all I want to do-start a family, have kids and stay at home, loving every minute. Sounds PERFECT to me. This week I was hit with the reality I already knew-being a mom is TOUGH. As my mom pointed out...most moms don't come into motherhood with 3 kids age 7, 8, and 10. True story. But it was still hard! Keeping kids occupied without technology, stopping little fights, feeding time, packing up for a day at the beach by myself...I can see why my mom is always so tired!

Beach trip!
Sleepover with Little L!
All that being said....ahh, I cannot wait to be a mom! How typical of me, right? A job working 9-5 does not appeal to me for the rest of my life- I cannot wait to raise children in the gospel of Christ.

Anyway, summer is here and I am loving every minute. And it's gonna go by FAST! Better let the good times roll! Megan, OUT!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Ode to Dad

Happy Fathers Day to all the AMAZING dads out there! Also, special shout out to my parents-happy 23rd wedding anniversary!
I'm dedicating this post to my wonderful father. This has been the first year that I haven't been home for Mother's Day OR Father's Day and I'm not happy about it. However, I'm glad I have modern technology to share my feelings about my daddy. 
At the beginning of winter semesters, I was challenged in my family class to pick one family member to strength my relationship with. My mom is my best friend and I talked with her daily and I always Skype with my little sisters so I picked my dad. I planned on calling him more often and actually talking to him more directly when I talked with the whole family. Three weeks later, I was in a car crash. I knew my parents felt helpless, as my dad (choked up on the phone) explained to me that if I had to stay overnight in the hospital, they'd be on the first plane they could. Over the next four months, I've had to deal with insurance and payments. Naturally, I grew closer to my dad, as we had to work things out. As time went on, I'd call him as well as my mom to cry on the phone and I knew he'd take a few minutes to give me advice. I probably talked to my dad about once a week, more than we've ever talked during my college career. I know I was inspired to strengthen my relationship with my Pops and am grateful that he feels like he can call me more often to tell me his accomplishments or when he needs encouragement. I'm sooo grateful for you dad, and now, just like all the cards I've made in the past...
10 things I love about my dad:
1. He is the hardest worker I know. From the time I was little to the last year at home, I've realized how hard my dad works...all for us. I looked forward to every night when he'd come home. I remember when he used to work in Chicago and I can clearly remember running to him when he'd come home on weekends and how excited I was for him to come through the door. 
2. He's the toughest man I know. Wow, growing up as a cowboy does something to a man! He gets right back up in the saddle, if he even falls down in the first place! 
3. Even though he's tough, he's the most sensitive man I know! My dad cries sooo easily, which he has passed onto me! I remember countless times that he's choked up and to me, it really shows that he cares (I'm choking up as I type this, lol). 
4. My dad is a great example to me of having the Spirit. I know he's not perfect but his testimony is strong and he is a worthy priesthood holder, somethingI respect  with all my heart. 
5. He knows how to have a good time. The first time my dad took me to youth conference while in the YM's stake president - Big Bear, I remember having the best time! I was obsessed with the song Airplanes, so we turned it on and he turned his hat side
ways, pretending to rap! Haha, I remember that so clearly! 
6. He has the greatest taste in music, which he passed onto me! We really connect through country music...and listened to Ice Ice Baby every Tuesday for a year, going to mutual! 
7. He has such a strong will. When my dad gets an idea- he does it, all the way! Not halfway, he goes all out. 
8. He loves and respects my mom. :) 
9. He's not afraid to share the gospel with all that he comes in contact with. 
And 10, the thing I tease him about the most- he is friendly and kind to ALL! He always calls waiters/customer service people by their name and can practically get anything he wants by showing genuine kindness. Even though I tease him endlessly, I love that about my dad. 
Happy Fathers Day, Pops! 4 days till I can give you your presence! Love you SOO much!

Monday, June 3, 2013

My Simple Missionary Effort

With all the buzz going on in the world (cough, or just Provo, cough) about the missionary age change, every girl going on missions, or simply the spotlight the Gospel has been getting in the media, I've felt a need to increase my missionary efforts. I especially felt that this week. I suppose it's because most of my girl friends are going on missions, most of my ward members are leaving, and most of my freshman friends are already gone. As already stated (probably in my other here), I have not felt that going on a mission is the right path for me right now. This knowledge has been kinda hard, especially as everyone is missionary minded and I'm in Provo. I might not be going on a mission, but I wanted to find a way to help.
"It's hard to share the Gospel because
we have no idea where to start and
fear stops us from sharing what we love."

But that's when I went to an activity where Al Fox was speaking. For those of you who have never heard of Al Fox, she's a convert to the church and is famous for her blog called "Tattooed Mormon."  She talked about her conversion story, her blog story and how much she loves the Gospel. She then taught us what it means to be a "Mormon Online." I came away from that with a missionary mindset, wanting to do the simple things, like post a general conference talk or an inspiring quote on Facebook. I thought that would be a good way to keep up my simple efforts.

That night, after the "fireside," I got a bunch of emails from my job, saying I was scheduled to work at 6 AM for the next few weeks to work at Raintree Apartments....aka the new MTC. I panicked, cause I didn't have a car and I was suppose to provide my own transportation. I was working a late night shift and thought a lot about these shifts. I figured, if God wanted me to, I'd find a way.

When I came home, I talked to my lovely roommate Jordyn...who has a car...and I asked the million dollar question, if I could borrow her car on Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday mornings for work. She agreed and I said I would try to find if I could carpool. Then on Thursday, I found out I would be the only worker for that shift! So much for carpooling!
5:50 AM...ready to go!

In any case, Saturday morning I had my first day at working at the "West MTC." I woke out many times in the night and only got 4 hours of sleep. I was nervous about how it would go, if I would wake up, etc. Lucky me, I woke up at 4:50, when my alarm wasn't set until 5:20, and decided to get ready. I don't remember the last time I woke up that any case, I got over to Raintree and started moving carts of donuts into the make shift kitchen, located in the "mess hall" of Raintree. I worked alongside a man in his 50s, who cheerfully whistled as we worked. It was so peaceful and quiet, free of noise of the world. Then at 6:30, we started serving missionaries who were so cheerful and definitely had the Spirit with them. 2 hours later, I was done and couldn't wait to come back for more!
A great Saturday night :)

Then, that night, my roommates and I decided to volunteer at the TRC. Just walking into the MTC, I could feel the Spirit so strongly. As I "role played" with the missionaries, it's kinda hard to stay in character, as I can feel the Spirit whispering that the things they speak of are true. I was close to crying...but I held them back.

As I reflect on my missionary effects, I know they aren't as amazing as dedicating 18 months of my life to the Lord. However, I think that doing these simple things will increase the missionary efforts of the church. I mean, missionaries need to eat and need to practice on the "investigators" who volunteer, right?! Above all, I know this gospel is true and I'm extremely grateful to be a part of it. I don't know where I'd be without it and I don't want to know!