Sunday, October 26, 2014

Be the Change You Want to Be.

One of my favorite things about Facebook is sharing links. In fact, I'm guessing that's how you got to this post! I rarely surf the web, I don't watch the news or anything like that, so I use Facebook to get that stuff. I saw one of those blog posts that say things I wish I knew or things that every 20 something year old will do. I love those posts and while some of them apply, I really disliked what this post said.

While talking about how relationships don't all work out, the blog post claimed that a broken heart will changed your life forever. I totally agree with that, whether it was a relationship or even a friendship that didn't work out-these things in life will change you for better or for worse.

However, then the post made this claim...
"Having your heart broken stays with you until someone else mends it." I had to re read this statement a time or two before it really sunk in.
Till someone else mends it.

Society has gotten this all wrong. Society believes that we can't do anything on our own, especially women. Women are seen as weak and unable to do much besides be a wife and a homemaker. But what society pushes even more is that we all need to be saved and only someone else can do that. And that's what needs to change.

Too often we find ourselves being the "victim" of our circumstances. This is a card that everyone plays, from the President of the US to the common blogger. I've played it myself. Complaints of this and that prevent us from moving, from progressing, from changing. Instead, we become stagnant in our growth and we don't make these necessary changes to grow.

Today during church we were talking about the phrase "I'm fine." Bleck. I dislike this phrase more than anything because first people use it as a lie and a way not to talk to someone and second, because what does that even mean. But, the one thing that was touched on is that trials tend to come when we are fine. When we get lazy and too comfortable, trials can come and knock us off our feet. So when I look over my life, the major trials stand out in my life.
The car accident I was involved in, finding myself alone and without a friend on those sleepless nights, and the day that I learned when someone I loved had used me. Some of the worst days of my life....have turned into some joyous moments in my life. Those nights with tear stained pillowcases, those moments that I thought I couldn't go on and many times that I pleaded with my Heavenly Father to take these pains away from me--they honestly changed me. Now each moment in my life, I've had two options. 1. Become a victim of circumstance. Or 2. Be the change I want to be. I'm not perfect. It's taken me a few days or sometimes weeks. But I honestly believe that we are given these experiences to be refined, to change and to become better.

Many different things can stunt our growth. But why make ourselves one of those things? Next time you're feeling too comfortable or in the midst of one of those trials, don't wait for someone to throw in a line and help you out. Dust yourself off, pick yourself up and get back on your feet. Be the change you wish to see in yourself and I know it will make all the difference.